What is mean by Eurozone & how to join ---Eurozone a) It comprises of 17 nations (out of total 28) who have adopted Euro as the common currency. Euro as a single currency was launched in 1999. b) Britain and Denmark have voluntarily kept out of it - the 'opt-out' states- for reasons of economic sovereignty. c) 'Derogation states' are the EU member nations who are taking steps to adopt Euro. All EU member nations except ‘opt-out states’ have to adopt Euro, though each member is given time to take measures to be eligible to adopt Euro i.e. They are given time to meet the Convergence Criteria. d) The monetary policy for Euro is the sole prerogative of European Central Bank i.e. after joining Eurozone the control of Monetary policy passes on to ECB. Euro Area vs Economic & Monetary Union: All EU Member States are part of Economic and Monetary Union, which means they coordinate their economic policies for the benefit of the EU as a whole. However, not all EU Member S...