
Showing posts with the label HISTORY


• Why Israel created in 1948 ? 1) Historical grievances of Jews:---- a) Roman persecution: In 71 AD, Jews were driven out of Palestine by Romans and they settled in different parts of the world including US. Gradually, over years many Jews returned from exile but their population was not significant to make Arabs anxious.. b) World Zionist Organization (1897): I t was formed in Switzerland. Zionist means people who wanted Jews to return to their homeland, Palestine and form a Jewish state of their own. Problem was Palestine was now inhabited mainly by Arabs who were now threatened by loss of their “homeland”. c) Nazi persecution : This resulted in high influx of refugee European Jews, who were looking for a home, into Palestine and by 1940 half the population of Palestine was Jewish. Nazi persecution and with change in demography of Palestine, the demand for Israel as a separate state grew . 2) How creation of Israel became inevitable and how middle path solution...


Terms like Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are frequently used in general parlance, but it is important to understand the underlying meaning and philosophies behind these terms. These terms collectively denote the different socio-economic systems in use across the world. For greater clarity, general principles of these political philosophies have been explained below. A) Capitalism :--Capitalist system of organizing the state and society is based on the principles that- there should be private ownership of country’s wealth, the economy works on the principle of Laissez Faire i.e. the market forces determine the economic policies and there is no command economy. The State does not tell the industry what to produce, when to produce and how to produce. Also, under the Capitalist system, there is no special protection provided to the working class. The worker is just another factor of production like capital and land (Factors of production are the inputs required for producing the fin...


Major events before WW I :--- 1. Moroccan Crisis (1905-6):-- In 1904-5 Britain and France had signed Entente Cordiale with a clause that Britain’s control over Sudan and Egypt would be recognized by France and the special rights of France over Morocco would be recognized by Britain. Morocco (African country) Germany became anxious of increasing French influence in Morocco. It pledged to maintain independence of Morocco and called a conference. But Italy, Spain, Russia and Britain supported France in the conference and the latter got control over Moroccan Banks and Police. This was a diplomatic defeat for Germany. 2. Britain-Russia Agreement of 1907: --- It ended their disputes in Asia. Afghanistan and Tibet were recognized as British spheres of influence and Iran was divided into three zones with the North recognized as Russian zone, the central area as a buffer and the South as British zone. Russia hoped to get British investments for its industrial development after t...


Two Opium Wars (1840-2 and 1858 ):----- In the 19th century, China had a weak government in form of Manchu dynasty. Britain had become a major trade partner but it had a huge trade deficit as China was self sufficient and imported little from the West. The British were facing the burden of this trade deficit as the Chinese accepted only precious metals like Gold as payment for exports to Britain (especially Tea and Silk). Opium War As a solution to this problem, the British started exchanging Opium as payment. This was opposed by China and resulted in Opium Wars in 1840-2 and 1858. After the first Opium war, British took over Hong Kong and extracted trade concessions from China. They also established British sovereignty over the trading centers. China was coerced into giving up the opposition to trade with the West. Major ports of China were opened to British trade and residence. Free trade was imposed on China. This meant that British could trade with any Chinese trader and custom dut...


• UNIFICATION OF ITALY :--- Unification of Italy was a two-step process. In the first step, it had to gain independence from Austria and secondly, it had to unite the consequent independent Italian states into a single unit. Garibaldi Mazzini and Garibaldi were revolutionaries who played an important role in this process. Mazzini had formed an organization named Young Italy in 1831 for unification of Italy. From 1831 onwards, Young Italy repeatedly attempted revolts against the Monarchy but all of them failed to establish a democratic and united Italy. Yet, Young Italy enthused the people for a united Italy under a liberal government. Unification of Italy •ROLE OF 1848 REVOLTS:--- THE 1848 revolts were led by intellectuals and liberals who were against the reactionary Austrian control and wanted a liberal government. These revolts did usher in democratic reforms, but neither did these result in independence from Austria nor the consolidation of the states into a united Ital...


• UNIFICATION OF GERMANY : - --One of the major events of 19th  century Europe was struggle for national unification and independence. Greece and Belgium became independent in this century and Germany and Italy rose as united independent states . • SOCIO--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS:- -- The social conditions were similar to those witnessed in any Feudal society. In Germany, the landlords were called Junkers, who dominated the affairs of the state. Economically, the division of Germany into multiple states resulted in poor economic development because of restrictions these states brought on free movement of goods. The backward socio-political system also contributed to the poor economic situation. • ROLE OF NAPOLEONIC WARS & FRENCH REVOLUTION IN 18th CENTURY :-- was divided into many states. The Napoleonic wars ended the artificial boundaries of many states and united them, but still 38 states remained. Prussia was the biggest and the most powerful of them. After ...


American Revolution (1765-1783): - ---In North America, the British had established 13 colonies on the west coast of Atlantic Ocean. After the Seven Year War, the influence of the French in rest of North America was ended. 1 . Rhode Island 2.Virginia 3. Pennsylvania 4.New York 5. Georgia 6.Delaware 7.New Jersey 8.North Carolina 9.South Carolina 10.Connecticut 11.Massachusetts 12.New Hampshire 13.Maryland 13 British colonies • REASONS FOR AMERICAN RESENTMENTS AGAINST THE BRITISH : -- While the British Mercantilism or Mercantile no capitalism an environment of resentment among the White Americans, the Seven Year War created conditions, which became the immediate trigger for the American Revolution. • MERCANTILE CAPITALISM :---- Mercantile Capitalism was the British policy in the 18th century. It was based on the idea that the Government should regulate the economy at home and colonies abroad, so as to increase the national power and achieve a positive Bal...


• SEVEN YEARS' GLOBAL WAR (1754-63):---- was a global conflict that spanned five continents ,  The Seven Year Global War was fought from 1754 to 1763, actually a period of nine years, between France and Britain. Other European powers like Spain, Prussia and Austria also got engaged in the war. It is called the Global War since it was fought on different battlegrounds including North America, Caribbean, India, West Coast of Africa and in Europe.  • REASON BEHIND THE 7  YEARS' WAR:- -- The main reason behind the war was the quest for hegemony over colonies between Britain and France. In North America, the British had 13 colonies on the Eastern coast along the Atlantic Ocean. They wanted to expand westwards for want of more raw materials and an increased export market in North America. But the west was under the domination of France. The French were anxious to hold on to Western North America to prevent British hegemony in the world political and economic affairs. Britain wa...


• Revenue administration under British Land revenue policy under British East India Company. Since the acquisition of Diwani rights for Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in 1765, a major concern of Company was to increase the land revenue collection, which historically was the major source of revenue for the state in India. Warren Hastings got rid of Indians completely form revenue collection. In 1772, he introduced a new system known as the ‘farming system’, in which European district collectors were made in charge of revenue collection. Land was farmed to the highest bidder for five years. Most of the revenue-farmers were speculators who did not have any permanent interest in the land and tried to extort maximum revenue from the cultivators. The result was that many revenue contractors fell in heavy arrears, many had to be arrested for default and the ryot (farmer) deserted the land. The bias of Warrant Hastings against centralization worked against an effective system of land revenue ...


• Mahalwari System : ----It was implemented in Gangetic valley, north-west provinces, parts of central India and Punjab.  Because in North India and Punjab, joint land rights on the village were common. So, British decided to utilize this traditional structure in a new form known as •land revenue system of British India "MAHALWARI SYSTEM"in British India • Features:---- 1. The revenue was determined on the basis of assessment of the produce of a Mahal  (estate consisting of several villages). Here the settlement was made with the whole  village community jointly and separately and taxation was imposed on the village  community. 2. The village community had to distribute these tax collection targets among the  cultivators. 3. Each individual farmer contributed his share in the revenue. 4. Everyone was thus liable for the others’ arrears. 5. But still the ownership rights were vested with the individual peasants thusFarmers had right to s...


■ Mansabdari System/Administration under Mughal :---- Akbar had developed a new administrative machinery and revenue system, which were maintained by the subsequent Mughal Emperors (with minor modifications). •The Mansabdari System, as it developed under the Mughals, was a distinctive and unique system. •The origins of the Mansabdari system, however, can be traced back to Changez Khan. Changez Khan organized his army on a decimal basis, the lowest unit of  his army was ten, and the highest ten thousand (toman) whose commander was known as ‘Khan.’ •There is, however, a controversy regarding the Mansabdari system i.e. when it started precisely. From the available evidence, it appears that this system had been initiated by Akbar (in 1577). Along with Mansabdari system, Akbar also reformed the revenue system and introduced two new concepts namely ‘Zat’ and ‘Sawar.’ The Zat rank signified the personal status of an individual in the imperial hierarchy. Zat had fixe...