Why Israel created in 1948 ?
1) Historical grievances of Jews:----
a) Roman persecution: In 71 AD, Jews were driven out of Palestine by Romans and they settled in different parts of the world including US. Gradually, over years many Jews returned from exile but their population was not significant to make Arabs anxious..

b) World Zionist Organization (1897): It was formed in Switzerland. Zionist means people who wanted Jews to return to their homeland, Palestine and form a Jewish state of their own. Problem was Palestine was now inhabited mainly by Arabs who were now threatened by loss of their “homeland”.

c) Nazi persecution: This resulted in high influx of refugee European Jews, who were looking for a home, into Palestine and by 1940 half the population of Palestine was Jewish. Nazi persecution and with change in demography of Palestine, the demand for Israel as a separate state grew.

2) How creation of Israel became inevitable and how middle path solution failed ? 
 a)Britain:---- After WW I, Britain got Palestine as a mandate. In 1917, Britain said it favored creation of Israel. This led to influx of Jews into Palestine which was opposed by Arab States who wanted an independent united Palestine under Arabs.

b) Zionist Terrorism: started after WW II, targeting Arabs and Britishers who opposed Jewish influx under pressure from Arab States. US pressured Britain to allow Jews enter Palestine.

c) Attempts at middle path failed:---- i. In 1937, the Arabs rejected British 2 state proposal.
ii. In 1939, British proposed a One state solution whereby Palestine would be made independent in 10 years and Jewish immigration would be limited to 10,000 per annum. Jews rejected this proposal.
iii. In 1946, Britain again proposed a One State solution with two provinces, one each of Arabs and Jews. Truman rejected this plan.

3) UN creates Israel in 1948:---- a) Britain asked for UN help because was unable to bear high costs of maintaining peace.)
b )1947 UN voted to divide Palestine into two halves. British withdrew in 1948.

1948 Arab-Israel War:----- Immediately after its creation, Israel was attacked by Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon.

1) Egypt: Egypt did not earn anything from the war. Rather, Israel captured the Egyptian port of Eilat. Egypt also faced the problem of refugees from Palestine as there was a refugee exodus due to Israel’s brutal treatment of Palestinians after the war. In 1952 the Egyptian Army did a coup to dethrone King Farouk as he favored the presence of British troops in Suez Canal. Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser Hussein became the President of Egypt in 1954 and sought to reduce British influence.

2) Israel: captured 3/4th of Palestine, more than what was given to it by UN.

3) Jerusalem: was captured by Israel (West Jerusalem) and Jordan (East Jerusalem).

4) West Bank: It is the Palestinian territory west of river Jordan. It was captured by Jordan. This led to conflict within the Arab world because Jordan wanted West Bank for itself.

5) Refugee influx: into Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon


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