Maximum life of covid-19 on various Surfaces
Useful information on covid-19:---- Howlong can coronavirus survive on surfaces and in the air? The covi d-19(Coronavirus) can live for three days on some surfaces, like plastic and steel, new research suggests. Experts say the risk of consumers getting infected from touching those materials is still low, although they offered additional warnings about how long the virus survives in air , which may have important implications for medical workers. How long can covid-19/ coronavirus survive on surfaces and in the air? The virus lives longest on plastic & steel for up to 72 hours. The virus does not linger in the air at high enough levels to be a risk to most people who are not physically near an infected person. The coronavirus can live for three days on some surfaces, like plastic and steel, new research suggests. Experts say the risk of consumers getting infected from touching those materials is still low, although they offered ad...