Geographical indication Tag
■ G.I.Tag:---
-----) G.I . tag recognises the place of origin of a product and the specific qualities or means of production associated with it.

Acting as a certification, it is a way of ensuring that similar products from elsewhere cannot be sold under this name.
Approved by the Geneva-headquartered World Trade Organization
GIs have been defined under Article 22(1) of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(TRIPS) Agreement.
• Parmesan Reggiano cheese (Italy) ,
● In India, the GI tag is governed by the Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.
● GI came into force with effect from 15 September 2003.
• The tag is valid for a decade, after which it can be renewed for another 10 years.
363 GI tags as of March 2020.
■ Why is GI tag important and coveted?
• Towns and cities are vying for the coveted Geographical Indication or GI tag for a range of items.
• They hope that this ‘claim to unique fame’ will be lucrative.
• products can benefit the rural economy in remote areas, by supplementing the incomes of artisans, farmers, weavers and craftsmen.
• It is believed that most of the varieties of chillies grown in Goa today were introduced here by the Portuguese, and over the centuries, different hybrid varieties have emerged from what was brought from overseas.
• There are approximately 15 varieties of chilli in Goa ranging from Portugali mirsaang, Tarvotti chilli, Aldona chilli, etc.
■ The GI tagging of Canacona chilli has opened up a huge revenue earning opportunity to the farmers of Khola and other villages like Cotigao, Gaondogrem, Sristhal and Barcem.
About 2,000 farmers grow Canacona chilli in the region, The production is between 100 to 150 tonnes
• Khola Chilli Cultivators’ Group 95% of its members are tribal women.
■ What is special about Khola Chilli?
• The peculiarity of this chilly is that it’s red in colour with medium pungent taste and it is grown on the hill slopes of Canacona.
• A lot of preparation goes before the saplings of the chilly saplings are transplanted by hand immediately after the monsoon strikes in the month of June.
• Products made using Khola Chilli recheado masala, chilli pickle, raw mango pickle, red chilli sauce, Khola chilli powder Khola chilli flakes.
■ Important GI Tags of 2019----)
• Palani Panchamirtham - a 'prasadam' or religious offering in temples: Palani Town, Tamil Nadu.
• Tawlhlohpuan - is a fine quality fabric woven: Mizoram Mizo Puanchei - a shawl considered the most colourful textile: Mizoram.
• Tirur betel vine - valued for its medicinal and cultural usages: Malappuram district of Kerala.
• Odisha rasagola - for the delectable eastern sweet: Odisha.
•Idu Mishmi Textile-Handicraft-- Arunachal Pradesh.
•Dindigul Locks-Manufactured-- Tamil Nadu.
•Kandangi Saree-Handicraft-- Tamil Nadu.
•Srivilliputtur Palkova-- Food Stuff- Tamil Nadu.
• Kaji Nemu-Agricultural-- Assam.
• Goan cashew feni was the first product from Goa to acquire GI status.
Other future Contenders – • Goa’s mango king.
• Mancurad.
• Cow peas from Neru.
• Ladyfingers and a pepper variety from Ponda • Taleigao brinjal
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