wet market mean:
☆ market can be categorized into two main categories : 1)Perishable & 2)Durable.
● Durable item market : A durable item market is a market where you buy durable items - computer, clothes etc.
● Perishable item market : Is the market where you buy perishable items(especially food items)like vegetables, meat , fruits etc.
● Perishable item markets can be sub-divided into wet market, vegetables market ,Food grain market, meat market ,etc
●wet market: Recently the world wet market is continously in news due to covid - 19. The term wet market is referd to wet floor in these markets due to melting ice which is used to protect food. Wet markets are the market places where people buy meat which is slaughtered by the vendor immediately after buying it. In other words it is the market of live animals which vendors slaughter animals upon customer purchase.
● Wet markets are common in many parts of the world,notably in China and Southeast Asia, and include a wide variety of markets, such as farmer's market , fish markets, and wildlife markets.They often play critical roles in urban food security due to factors of pricing, freshness of food, social interaction, and local cultures.

● Not all wet markets carry living animals or wildlife products, but those that do have been linked to outbreaks of zoonotic diseases, with one such market believed to have played a role in the 2019 corona virus pandemic. Wet markets were banned from holding wildlife in China in 2003, after the 2002 –2004 SARS outbreak which was directly tied to those practices.Such regulations were lifted before being put into place again in 2020, with other countries proposing similar bans. Media reports that fail to distinguish between all wet markets from those with live animals or wildlife, as well as insinuations of fostering wildlife smuggling, have been blamed for fueling xenophobia related to the 2019-20 corona virus pandemic.
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